Monoclonal Antibodies

1.24 HT only: Be able to describe the production of monoclonal antibodies, including:

a) use of B lymphocytes which produce desired antibodies but do not divide
 b) production of hybridoma cells 
c) hybridoma cells produce antibodies and they divide

1.25 HT only: Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the use of monoclonal antibodies, including:

a) in pregnancy testing
b) in diagnosis including locating the position of blood clots and cancer cells and in treatment of diseases including cancer.

How do Antibodies work in an infection?

Antibodies produced by lymphocytes are specific for a particular protein on a particular pathogen. Millions of variations can be made by the body in order to combat the antigens that could infect an organism. The body is able to do this by keeping most of the antibody protein the same, with only a small section at the tip specialised to meet the antigen. When an antibody and an antigen match, there are a number of possibilities for the fate of the pathogen. 

NB: you do not need to learn the fate of pathogens, but really whats the point of learning about antibodies and not know what they do!!

Uses of antibodies (for they are jolly useful!)

1. First we need to get cells that can make millions and millions of copies of an antibody with the same variable region. We can choose which type of antibody we make - that is, we can choose which ANTIGEN we wish to find. 

Once we have all those specific antibodies, they can be used for the following purposes.

a) Pregnancy testing.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG);The Pregnancy Hormone. The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (better known as hCG ) is produced during pregnancy. It is made by cells that form the placenta, which nourishes the egg after it has been fertilized and becomes attached to the uterine wall. 

 If you are pregnant, the hCG is present in Urine. The anti-hCG antibody in the pregancy test binds to the hCG in the urine giving a positive result.

Viewing antibodies internally. 

Antibodies can be radioactively labelled and detected internally. 

Thisis can be useful as by using antibodies specific for a cell you are looking for, you can locate them in the body by using radioactive scanning techniques. The labelled antibodies will accumulate in the areas in which the cells have accumulated. 

Anti - Cancer antibodies can be used to see how a cancer has spread through the body. 

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